What to wear on Christmas Day

Does your Christmas jumper pass the vibe check?
If so, we’ve got you. At Bored Sheep Shop, we’ve shortlisted our top 10 favourite Christmas jumpers to wear on the big day so, you don’t need to bother.

No.10 Only Here For The Food - £34.00
We've all thought it, so don't judge...
No. 9 RuPaul Shantay You Sleigh Novelty Christmas Jumper Unisex - £29.99
You better werk that Christmas Jumper like you're life depends on it! And why not be extra and complete the look by treating the host or yourself a Drag Queen inspired gift SHOP All THINGS DRAG
No.8 Sprouts Christmas Jumper - £23.99
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without them - so why not make them the main feature and stand out in this college-style jumper.
No.7 I'll Tell You What I Want Christmas Jumper - £34.00
Tell me you're a Spice Girls fan without telling me you're a Spice Girls fan? This Christmas jumper is guaranteed to bring the girl power energy to the celebrations.
No.6 Yule Got This Women's Christmas Jumper - £38.00
This Christmas Jumper is giving me feel-good vibes, and we're here for it.
We aren't shy! We want all the filthy trimmings..
No.4 Louis Theroux Christmas Jumper - £26.99
No. 3 Save The Children See The Magic Vintage Charity Jumper £18.00
No.2 This Is My Xmas Jumper - £18.99
There's always one that fails to understand the assignment, and if that is you, then this zero effort Christmas jumper is a must-have.
No.1 Greggs Knitted Christmas Jumper - £34.99
Support your local Greggs. Wear it loud and proud. According to Matt Clarke, co-founder of notjust clothing “The Greggs jumper is a homage to the best bakers in the country. It’s a jumper made by the people, for the people."